Journal Entry 2




- Installed Unity 2D Game Kit

- Created a level according to tutorials

- extended the level created new scene linked it as non mandatory area


- after going through tutorial player will be able to explore 2 paths one is "cave" with lots of enemies and the other leads to "boss"
(spitter  made bigger with lot of health), i made 2 paths so player has illusion of choice

- on the way to the boss player must utilize box so that he can overcome high cliff 

- i choose to end level with "boss" because i thing that clearly signalize end of level


I wasn't on last lab so it made getting started a bit difficult but after everything ran smoothly. I found out that creating and mostly designing a level is much more difficult than i expected it to be especially if i wanted it to make sense. But overall  the experience was good.

Invested hours: 

Tutorials: 1.5 hours

Creating my level: 2 hours


Build (uploaded to the page as a .exe file)

Files 76 MB
Feb 28, 2023

Get Project T


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Good job :)
Though curiously the broken wall did get me stuck once and almost a second time, because the rubble fell down and blocked the box from falling down correctly, so I couldn't push it... It's good to playtest features like this several times to catch stuff like this :) (How the ruble falls is mostly random plus you never want to get into a situation where the player needs to restart the whole game to proceed).

Take this as food for thought for the next assignment.